The Commissioning Collective
The world is changing, but one thing holds true: arts and culture enrich our cities and communities like nothing else.
We’ve seen first-hand a hunger for diverse, unexpected cultural experiences that reach beyond conventional venues, technologies, and mediums, and speak to new and emerging audiences.
The Commissioning Collective is the key: a community of generous visionaries who will help us pioneer a new model for Australian not-for-profits to support and invest in new work.
The Commissioning Collective will help fund new projects by innovative Australian artists or collectives that embody Illuminate Adelaide’s spirit of collaboration, technology, art, and transformative experiences.
A contribution of $5000AUD + GST or greater will help back one new work per annum, to be supported through commission or acquisition.
Members of The Commissioning Collective will also be joining a groundswell movement of like-minded individuals and artists through special events hosted by Illuminate Adelaide’s Co-Founders and Creative Directors. You’ll meet featured artists, get the inside word on the latest programming, and be publicly recognised for your part in this important new initiative.
Creativity is our business. Join Us.
Members of The Commissioning Collective will receive direct benefits to the value of $1,200AUD (for up to two people) with the remaining donation a fully tax-deductible component.
For more information, contact Amy Byars, Head of Business Development and Partnerships, at hello@illuminateadelaide.com.
The Illuminate Adelaide Foundation is a registered not-for-profit organisation established to present Illuminate Adelaide. The Illuminate Adelaide Foundation is listed on the ACNC website as a charity for advancing culture.
Make a tax-deductible donation at the link below!
Image: Illumaphonium by Illumaphonium, City Lights, Illuminate Adelaide 2024
Credit: Tyr Liang at Xplorer Studio